Ischia – Carta Topografica ed Idrografica dei Dintorni di Napoli


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Large map of the Island of Ischia, sheet no. 7 of the Carta topografica ed idrografica dei contorni di Napoli, levata per ordine di S. M. Ferdinando I°, Re del Regno delle due Sicilie, dagli Uffiziali dello Stato Maggiore e dagl’Ingegneri Topografi negli anni 1817, 1818, 1819, disegnata e incisa nell’Officio Topografico di Napoli. This work consists of 15 copper-engraved sheets describing the surroundings of Naples, the coasts of the Gulf and the Islands with surveys made directly on the territory by the Topographical Office from 1816 to 1819. The map is remarkable for the clarity of the drawing and shows in high detail towns, roads, rivers, crops and vegetation, etc. Rare.

The Officio Topografico di Napoli was a military scientific institute in Naples, responsible for the construction of topographical, geographical and hydrographic maps of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Founded in the Rosario area of Palazzo in 1781 under the name of the Topographical Depot by the Paduan cartographer Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni, it was the vanguard of Italian production for nearly a hundred years that saw the end of a tradition of excellence only in 1879 when it was suppressed and the workers transferred to Florence.