
Showing 109–120 of 155 results

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    Plan and fortification of the town from “Force D’Europe…” by G. Bodenehr published in Augsburg in 1725. Perfect condition. [cod.110/15]

    • Author: BODENHER Gabriel
    • Year: 1725
    • Dimension: 145 x 275 mm
    • Place of publication: Augsburg
  • Mantova

    More Info  180,00

    Interesting panorama of Mantua from the rare Schauplatz des Krieges In Italien, Oder Accurate Beschreibung der Lombardey by Thomas Fritschen published in Leipzig in 1702.

    • Author: Thomas Fritschen
    • Year: 1702
    • Dimension: 75 x 145 mm
    • Place of publication: Lipsia
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    Interesting town plan of the walled city of Mantova from the rare Schauplatz des Krieges In Italien, Oder Accurate Beschreibung der Lombardey by Thomas Fritschen published in Leipzig in 1702.

    • Author: Thomas Fritschen
    • Year: 1702
    • Dimension: 80 x 145 mm
    • Place of publication: Lipsia
  • Milano

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    Plan of the town from “Piante delle citt… capoluoghi delle Provincie del Regno Lombardo Veneto che mostrano la situazione dei principali Stabilimenti Civili e Militari in esse esistenti”published in Milan in 1838. Rare original colours. [cod.355/15]

    • Author: BETTALLI Antonio
    • Year: 1838
    • Dimension: 338 x 185 mm
    • Place of publication: Milan
  • Separately issued map of Milan’s area in Lombardy designed by Vsevolod Petrovic Nicouline published in 1949. The pictorial map shows vignettes of structures, nature, activities, products, crops and many towns and cities labelled. Vsevolod Petrovic Nicouline (1890-1962) was a renowned Russian painter, printmaker, ceramicist, designer and illustrator born in the Ukraine in 1890. For a time he was with the Imperial Academy of Petersburg. His teaching career there was interrupted by the Bolshevik revolution. He…

    • Author: Vsevolode Nicouline
    • Dimension: 50 x 42 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1949
  • Mortara

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    Interesting town plan of the walled city of Mortara from the rare Schauplatz des Krieges In Italien, Oder Accurate Beschreibung der Lombardey by Thomas Fritschen published in Leipzig in 1702.

    • Author: Thomas Fritschen
    • Year: 1702
    • Dimension: 70 x 130 mm
    • Place of publication: Lipsia
  • Very important and rare work dedicated to the antiquities of Brescia. 2 Volumes plus case with all the plates about the antiquities of Brescia.

    • Author: Autori Vari
    • Year: 1838
    • Dimension: 420 x 300 mm
    • Place of publication: Brescia
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    This detailed historical map covers the Italian theater of the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-07). It spans from Lake Constance in the northwest down to the Gulf of Venice. In addition to the fine topographical detail and several place names on the map, there are roads and army encampments located throughout. Fortified cities are identified, including Trento, Vicenza, Verona, Cremona, Milan, Turin, and Parma. Battling ships appear in the Gulf of Venice. The title is printed from a separate plate and is flanked by the coats of arms of the Holy Roman Empire and the Dauphin of France. The Dauphin’s coat of arms also appear at bottom left. Published by De Fer’s son-in-law and successor Guillaume Danet. Engraved by H. van Loon.

    • Author: Guillaume Danet
    • Dimension: 50 x 56 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1733
  • carta geografica lombardia

    Rara carta geografica della Lombardia disegnata dai cartografi Marco Antonio e Giovanni Battista Barateri operanti a Codogno nel 1628-1637, incisa su rame da Bernardino Bassano e pubblicata a Milano dall’editore Giovanni Battista Bonacina. Come da tradizione cartografica seicentesca la carta nonostante sia intitolata Lombardia raffigura tutto il nord Italia da Nizza a est fino al Golfo di Venezia a Ovest e che si estende fino a Siena a sud. Il titolo è in alto a…

    • Author: Giovanni Battista Bonacina
    • Dimension: 48 x 66,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Milan
    • Year: 1637
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    A monumental map in four sheets depicting, despite the title indicating ‘Lombardy’, the entire Po Valley below the Alps and the Lombard lakes, with the exception of a large part of Lake Garda, as far as the Gulf of Venice, Liguria and the Apennines. The map made by cartographer Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni and engraved on copper with great care by Giuseppe Guerra was produced between 1794 and 1795 and was intended to serve the anti-French military coalition, to which the Kingdom of Naples had joined, for the wars that were looming in northern Italy. It is one of the most important achievements of modern cartography in terms of surveying and scientific accuracy.

    • Author: Giovanni Antonio Rizzi Zannoni
    • Dimension: 96 x 188 cm
    • Place of publication: Naples
    • Year: 1795
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    Deliziosa carta geografica che descrive in bel dettaglio i territori del Lombardo Veneto, dal Bergamasco al Golfo di Venezia, durante la dominazione Austriaca nell’anno 1794. La mappa incisa all’acquaforte da Giovanni Garti d’Alibrandi è arricchita dal titolo entro vignetta con scena agreste ed è tratta dalla rara raccolta denominata Atlante Geografico, prima stesura delle opera dell’abate Bartolomeo Borghi, pubblicata a Siena dall’editore Pazzini Carli nel 1796. Bartolomeo Borghi, che Vermiglioli (Biografia degli scrittori perugini, 1829)…

    • Author: Bartolomeo Borghi, Vincenzo Pazzini Carli
    • Dimension: 23 x 31 cm
    • Place of publication: Siena
    • Year: 1796
  • Il libro propone una esaustiva catalogazione delle piante e delle vedute a stampa che raffigurano la citt… di Brescia, realizzate in un arco di tempo che va dal 1480 al 1900, anno dell?ultima pianta cittadina prima del riassetto urbano deciso dal Piano Regolatore approvato dalla Giunta Municipale. Quasi mezzo millennio di arte e di storia bresciana, sintetizzato in 133 schede illustrate: viene raccolto il lavoro di un numeroso ed eterogeneo … [cod.1094/15]

    • Author: Giuseppe Nova – Ruggiero Fontanella
    • Year: 2009
    • Dimension: 215 x 300 mm
    • Place of publication: Brescia