
Showing 37–48 of 119 results

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    A very interesting and decorative map of the Holy Land by the Jesuit monk Jacobus Tirinus. Oriented to the east, map depicts from Syria and Tyre southward as far as the Sinai, Egypt and Thebes. The Mediterranean is decorated with sailing ships and, in the lower left quadrant, a surveying tool between two censors. Surrounding the map proper on the left, right, and bottom margins, there are 19 maps and images of Biblical objects. The…

    • Author: Jacobus Tirinus
    • Dimension: 310 x 820 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
    • Year: 1730
  • A detailed map of Avignon and Orange orientated with the north at the bottom from Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. The fine title cartouche also contains the dedication to Abate Domenico di Cabanes. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognized as one of Italy’s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 45 x 61,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Very detailed map of Artois in northern France showing part of the Channel coast and inland from Calais to Douay, decorative title cartouche. From Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy?s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken e

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 600 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Very detailed and decorative map in two sheets of Rhine Valley from Coronelli’s Corso Geografico Universale published in Venice in 1690. Inset map of the entire River. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy?s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early in his ecclesiastical career and never supp

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 605 x 450 mm each
    • Place of publication: Venice
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    Rara carta geografica firmata Giuseppe Boerio che non riporta sostanziali progressi cartografici (ma nella quale possiamo apprezzare una notevole accuratezza toponomastica) che mostra il Dipartimento del Mincio con l’interessantissima rappresentazione del territorio tra Verona e Mantova con le divisioni in distretti stabilite durante il periodo di dominazione Francese. (1797-1814). La carta venne stampata come foglio sciolto a Venezia nel 1802. Il Dipartimento del Mincio, costituito durante l’organizzazione territoriale effettuata successivamente alla presa della città di…

    • Author: Giuseppe Boerio
    • Dimension: 49,5 x 63 cm
    • Place of publication: Venice
    • Year: 1802
  • Storia Veneta Trieste Venezia
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    A very fine etching and burin scene by Francesco Del Pedro showing the rape of venetian women. From the serie  Fasti Veneti o Collezione de’ più illustri fatti della Repubblica Veneziana insino a Bajamonte Tiepolo published in 1796.

    • Author: Francesco Del Pedro
    • Dimension: 28,5 x 31,5 cm
    • Place of publication: Venice
    • Year: 1796
  • Very fine and highly decorative etching showing Dutch and Britain ships from the famous Atlante Veneto by Coronelli published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy?s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and cartography were awoken early in his …[cod.1081/15]

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 255 x 395 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • A very fine map from the first edition of “Geographia di Claudio Tolomeo” by Girolamo Ruscelli published in Venice in 1561 at Valgrisi. There is a really interesting Italian text on verso that describes the early history and geography of the area. A feature of this first state is that some maps haven’t the platemark at the top because two maps were engraved on the same plate and the resulting sheet halved. Ruscelli’s Atlas is…

    • Author: RUSCELLI Girolamo
    • Year: 1561
    • Dimension: 180 x 240 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • antica mappa mantova brescia verona parma cremona modena
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    Uncommon map of the Duchy of Mantua and the provinces of Brescia, Verona, Cremona, Parma, and Modena from Antonio Zatta’s rare Nuovo Atlante issued in Venice in 1796-1799. The map is distinguished by its precise execution and wealth of detail, including the precise mapping of islands along river courses and notably the accurate layout of the main cities with fortifications and defence systems highlighted. Antonio Zatta was a prominent Italian mapmaker in the late 18th…

    • Author: ZATTA Antonio
    • Dimension: 48 x 60 cm
    • Place of publication: Venice
    • Year: 1799
  • Copper engraving from “Atlante Novissimo, illustrato ed accresciuto sulle osservazioni, e scoperte fatte dai piu’ celebri e piu’ recenti cartografi” by Antonio Zatta published in Venice in 1779.Very good condition with nice and decorative original colours.

    • Author: ZATTA Antonio
    • Year: 1779
    • Dimension: 310 x 400mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
  • Interesting and highly detailed map covering the Northern India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, extending north to the Himalayas. The cartouche also contains a dedication to Correr. From Corso Geografico Universale by Coronelli published in Venice in 1690. Vincenzo Maria Coronelli is widely recognised as one of Italy?s most famous and greatest cartographers. He received an ecclesiastical education at the convent of the Minor Conventuals and also studied theology in Rome. However, his interests in geography and…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Year: 1690
    • Dimension: 450 x 605 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice
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    A very fine map from the first edition of “Geographia di Claudio Tolomeo” by Girolamo Ruscelli published in Venice in 1561 at Valgrisi. There is a really interesting Italian text on verso that describes the early history and geography of the area. A feature of this first state is that some maps haven’t the platemark at top because two maps were engraved on the same plate and the resulting sheet halved. Ruscelli’s Atlas is an…

    • Author: RUSCELLI Girolamo
    • Year: 1561
    • Dimension: 180 x 240 mm
    • Place of publication: Venice