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    Panorama of Barcelona taken from the sea finely engraved by Harmanus van Loon. From Suitte des Forces de l’Europe ou Quatrieme Partie de l’Introduction a la Fortification by Nicolas de Fer published in Paris, 1695.

    • Author: DE FER Nicolas
    • Year: 1695
    • Dimension: 295 x 100 mm
    • Place of publication: Paris
  • Bordeaux

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    Scarce town plan of Bordeaux engraved by Harmanus van Loon and published by Nicolas de Fer in Paris in 1695 in his Suitte des Forces de l’Europe ou QuatriŠme Partie de l’Introduction … la Fortification.

    • Author: DE FER Nicolas
    • Year: 1695
    • Dimension: 300 x 170 mm
    • Place of publication: Paris
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    Rare map of the Duchy of Milan with a beautiful title cartouche. The map is based on a map by Janssonius and published by Pierre van Lochom.

    • Author: Pierre van Lochom
    • Dimension: 48 x 37 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
    • Year: 1695
  • Nanci

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    Charming plan of Nancy in France engraved by Inselin. At bottom right a key listing 17 point of interest. From  Suitte des Forces de l’Europe ou Quatrime Partie de l’Introduction  la Fortification by Nicolas De Fer published in Paris in 1695.
    Nicolas de Fer held the title of Geographer at Louis XIV’s court. He was one of the most prolific publishers of plans of European cities in the late seventeenth century.

    • Author: DE FER Nicolas
    • Year: 1695
    • Dimension: 28 x 21 cm
    • Place of publication: Paris
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    Rarissima carta geografica incisa su due lastre di rame dell’intero territorio bresciano che fu concepita dal Coronelli (?) in modo autonomo e pubblicata separatamente rispetto alla medesima versione, ma di dimensioni maggiori, della carta della provincia di Brescia contenuta all’interno del Corso Geografico Universale e all’Atlante Veneto ed alla quale chiaramente risulta ispirata. La carta in questione non presenta il margine graduato, ma soltanto una piccola rosa dei venti che, inserita nell’angolo superiore sinistro, ne mostra l’orientamento…

    • Author: CORONELLI Vincenzo Maria
    • Dimension: 65 x 33 cm
    • Place of publication: Venice
    • Year: 1695