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Il Ducato di Mantova colle confinanti provincie del Bresciano, Veronese, Cremonese, Parmigiano e Modenese

Uncommon map of the Duchy of Mantua and the provinces of Brescia, Verona, Cremona, Parma, and Modena from Antonio Zatta’s rare Nuovo Atlante issued in Venice in 1796-1799. The map is distinguished by its precise execution and wealth of detail, including the precise mapping of islands along river courses and notably the accurate layout of the main cities with fortifications and defence systems highlighted.

Antonio Zatta was a prominent Italian mapmaker in the late 18th century, a period largely influenced by French cartographers. His mapping endeavors are marked by his innovative approach to cartouches, transitioning from traditional Renaissance motifs filled with mythical and allegorical figures to serving as a supportive element to the map itself. Zatta intricately incorporates references to the unique characteristics of the territory within his cartouches, depicting various crops, crafts, landscapes, and local customs. His maps are not mere replicas of past representations but rather are meticulously crafted and updated based on the latest observations, as evident in the title of his most renowned work, the Atlante Novissimo.